Monday, 17 December 2012

Pencil Sketches - Pheasant

As if I didn't have better things to do... I have been in the house all day waiting for an engineer to turn up to connect us to fibre optic Ultra Broadband.  He failed to show.  When I rang the company to find out what was happening they did not know 'but he may just be running late, or had to move you to a later time-slot...'  Frustrating!  In this day and age engineers are always on the end of a mobile phone surely?  So while that remains a mystery I felt I had to salvage something useful for the day and some sketchbook work was the answer.  (Housework?  That could wait).

As the weather has become colder I have been feeding the birds on the patio and feeders daily and this handsome cock pheasant has become a regular morning visitor.  As he is easily startled I grabbed my camera and took a series of photos the other day, through the window, before he took flight.  Across a double spread of my latest A4 sketchbook (Daler Rowney 150g/m acid free cartridge paper) I worked up three studies based on some of these photos.  I opted to keep things simple and just used a 2B Derwent Graphic pencil. 

Fat Freddie, 2B pencil in sketchbook

Oh, Fat Freddie - yes that's what we have named him.  He's not really fat, just in beautiful plummage and good condition.

Have you birds in the garden close enough to photograph through a window? 

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